WallGUARD Concrete Faced Insulated Perimeter Wall Panels is manufactured using Dupont low GWP Styrofoam extruded polystyrene insulation with a factory-applied 5/16" latex modified concrete coating. Panels are 2'x4' with tongue and groove edges on the 4' length. WallGUARD protects and insulates the exposed areas of foundations, slab edges, rim joists and roof parapet walls that are all prone to energy loss. WallGUARD is available in 2" (R-10) and 3" (R-15) thicknesses.
Dostupnost regionu
Severní Amerika |
Anguilla |
Antigua a Barbuda |
Aruba |
Bahamy |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermudské ostrovy |
Britské Panenské ostrovy |
Curaçao |
Dominika |
Dominikánská republika |
Gaudeloupe |
Grenada |
Grónsko |
Guatemala |
Haiti |
Honduras |
Jamajka |
Kajmanské ostrovy |
Kanada |
Karibské Nizozemsko |
Kostarika |
Kuba |
Martinik |
Mexiko |
Montserrat |
Nikaragua |
ostrovy Turks a Caicos |
Panama |
Pannenske Ostrovy |
Portoriko |
Saint-Pierre a Miquelon |
Salvador |
Spojené státy americké |
Svatá Lucie |
Svatý Bartoloměj |
Svatý Kryštof a Nevis |
Svatý Martin |
Svatý Martin |
Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny |
Trinidad a Tobago |