Silen Bridges Mobile offers a mobile, ergonomic work environment for two people that can be easily rolled to wherever it's needed. No tools are required—simply unlock the wheels and go.
Snap magnet modular connectivity allows you to attach two or more units together, effortlessly creating larger meeting spaces.
Smart battery solutions provide the freedom to meet where electrical sockets are out of reach. Presence-activated lights and power outlets ensure a well-lit space and keep your devices charged.
Choose Silen Bridges Mobile and enjoy:
Silen Bridges completely reimagines the concept of space dividers, promoting unity instead of division in your workspace. With innovative design and engineering at its core, Silen Bridges offers you a comprehensive plug-and-play solution to seamlessly connect and enhance your diverse work environment.
Whether it's a spot for impromptu brainstorming sessions, a hub for team summits, or any other function, the four unique Bridges solutions - Bond, Portal, Connect, and Mobile - provide a wide range of customizable options that blend functionality and aesthetics, creating a harmonious and productive office space tailored to your company's goals and needs.
What sets Silen Bridges apart is its unwavering commitment to exceptional acoustics, ensuring a serene and productive atmosphere. With mobility and modularity, you can effortlessly scale, rearrange, and adjust your workspace. Moreover, the product range goes even further by prioritizing sustainability, incorporating innovative SEAQUAL® YARN marine plastic fabric throughout its offerings.
Recognized for its groundbreaking design and functionality, Silen Bridges was named a HiP Awards Honoree by Interior Design Magazine, further cementing its status as a leader in innovative workspace solutions.
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa | Asie | Severní Amerika | Afrika | Jižní Amerika | Oceánie |
Ålandy | Arménie | Anguilla | Alžírsko | Argentina | Americká Samoa |
Albánie | Ázerbájdžán | Antigua a Barbuda | Angola | Bolívie | Austrálie |
Andorra | Bahrain | Aruba | Benin | Brazílie | Cookovy ostrovy |
Belgie | Bangladéš | Bahamy | Botswana | Chile | Federativní státy Mikronésie |
Bosna a Hercegovina | Bhútán | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Ekvádor | Fidži |
Bulharsko | Britské indickoocenánské území | Belize | Burundi | Falklandy (Malvíny) | Francouzská Polynésie |
Černá Hora | Brunej | Bermudské ostrovy | Čad | Francouzská Guyana | Guam |
Česká republika | Čína | Britské Panenské ostrovy | Džibuti | Guyana | Kiribati |
Chorvatsko | Filipíny | Curaçao | Egypt | Kolumbie | Marshallovy ostrovy |
Dánsko | Gruzie | Dominika | Gabon | Paraguay | Nauru |
Estonsko | Hongkong | Dominikánská republika | Gambie | Peru | Niue |
Faerské ostrovy | Indie | Gaudeloupe | Ghana | Surinam | Nová Kaledonie |
Finsko | Indonésie | Grenada | Guinea | Uruguay | Nový Zéland |
Francie | Irák | Grónsko | Guinea Bissau | Venezuela | ostrov Norfolk |
Gibraltar | Izrael | Guatemala | Jihoafrická republika | Palau | |
Guernsey | Japonsko | Honduras | Kamerun | Papua-Nová Guinea | |
Irsko | Jordánsko | Jamajka | Kapverdy | Pitcairnovy ostrovy | |
Island | Katar | Kajmanské ostrovy | Keňa | Šalamounovy ostrovy | |
Itálie | Kazachstán | Kanada | Komorské ostrovy | Samoa | |
Jan Mayen | Kokosové ostrovy | Karibské Nizozemsko | Kongo | Severní Mariany | |
Jersey | Korejská republika | Kostarika | Lesotho | Tokelau | |
Kypr | Kuvajt | Martinik | Libérie | Tonga | |
Lichtenštejnsko | Kyrgyzstán | Mexiko | Madagaskar | Tuvalu | |
Litva | Macao | Montserrat | Malawi | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Lotyšsko | Malajsie | Nikaragua | Maroko | Vanuatu | |
Lucembursko | Maledivy | ostrovy Turks a Caicos | Mauricius | Východní Timor | |
Maďarsko | Mongolsko | Panama | Mauritánie | Wallis a Futuna | |
Malta | Nepál | Pannenske Ostrovy | Mayotte | ||
Moldavsko | Omán | Portoriko | Mosambik | ||
Monako | Pákistán | Saint-Pierre a Miquelon | Namibie | ||
Německo | Palestinská území | Salvador | Niger | ||
Nizozemsko | Saúdská Arábie | Spojené státy americké | Nigérie | ||
Norsko | Singapur | Svatá Lucie | Pobřeží slonoviny | ||
ostrov Man | Spojené arabské emiráty | Svatý Bartoloměj | Réunion | ||
Polsko | Šrí Lanka | Svatý Kryštof a Nevis | Rwanda | ||
Portugalsko | Tádžikistán | Svatý Martin | Senegal | ||
Rakousko | Tchaj-wan | Svatý Martin | Seychely | ||
Řecko | Thajsko | Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny | Sierra Leone | ||
Rumunsko | Turecko | Trinidad a Tobago | Středoafrická republika | ||
San Marino | Turkmenistán | Svatá Helena | |||
Severní Makedonie | Vánoční ostrov | Svatý Tomáš a Princův ostrov | |||
Slovensko | Vietnam | Svazijsko | |||
Slovinsko | Tanzánie | ||||
Španělsko | Togo | ||||
Srbsko | Tunisko | ||||
Švédsko | Uganda | ||||
Švýcarsko | Zambie | ||||
Ukrajina | Západní Sahara | ||||
Vatikán | |||||
Velká Británie |