Space inside the living room We intend to design the room. There is stillness and coolness, so there is a choice of black and gray tones as the main and emphasizing the decoration. to make the room not too boring We used SCG modeena - M4 material mainly to decorate vertically on the wall. Help promote the living room to look taller. And look more airy when designing the side of the room as a large opening as well. It is also decorated with KMEW Solido materials to create a natural atmosphere. Gives the skin a cool look provide a relaxing atmosphere
Dostupnost regionu
Asie |
Arménie |
Ázerbájdžán |
Bangladéš |
Bhútán |
Britské indickoocenánské území |
Brunej |
Čína |
Filipíny |
Gruzie |
Hongkong |
Indie |
Indonésie |
Japonsko |
Kambodža |
Kazachstán |
Kokosové ostrovy |
Korejská lidově demokratická republika |
Korejská republika |
Kyrgyzstán |
Laos |
Macao |
Malajsie |
Maledivy |
Mongolsko |
Myanmar (Barma) |
Nepál |
Pákistán |
Singapur |
Šrí Lanka |
Tádžikistán |
Tchaj-wan |
Thajsko |
Turkmenistán |
Uzbekistán |
Vánoční ostrov |
Vietnam |