Insuwrap PVC underground waterproofing membrane 1500 TNL is a calendared extruded high polymer waterproofing membrane, (thickness 1.50 mm), manufactured following highest International standards offering high physical properties and long term durability. Insuwrap 1500 TNL is manufactured using the best raw materials produced by SABIC.
Features and benefits:
Dostupnost regionu
Asie | Afrika |
Bahrain | Egypt |
Irák | |
Írán | |
Izrael | |
Jemen | |
Jordánsko | |
Katar | |
Kuvajt | |
Libanon | |
Omán | |
Palestinská území | |
Saúdská Arábie | |
Spojené arabské emiráty | |
Sýrie | |
Turecko |