With the introduction of MasterPatio, we continue to push our efforts to remain the system of choice for fabricators and installers. It has been developed with key design drivers such as superior thermal and water performances, clean aesthetics, sustainable efforts, and compatibility with the MasterLine 8 system.
The Passive house level thermal performance, and best in class water performance (up to 1500Pa) are combined with beautiful lines and details. Most components and accessories are concealed or flush integrated in the profiles, the visible sightlines are kept consistent throughout sliding parts, reinforcements and other transom profiles, and the frame can be concealed.
This system uses recycled PA6.6 insulation bars, reduces waste by needing less profiles throughout all configurations, and the optimisation of the available profile lengths results in less scrap material.
The built-in compatibility with MasterLine 8 transforms MasterPatio from a sliding system to a floor-to-ceiling facade system, giving you complete design freedom in any circumstances, even high-rise buildings.
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa | Asie | Oceánie | Afrika | Severní Amerika | Jižní Amerika |
Ålandy | Arménie | Austrálie | Alžírsko | Dominikánská republika | Francouzská Guyana |
Andorra | Ázerbájdžán | Nová Kaledonie | Benin | Haiti | |
Belgie | Brunej | Nový Zéland | Egypt | Kanada | |
Bělorusko | Čína | Jihoafrická republika | Spojené státy americké | ||
Bosna a Hercegovina | Filipíny | Kongo | |||
Bulharsko | Gruzie | Madagaskar | |||
Černá Hora | Hongkong | Maroko | |||
Česká republika | Indie | Nigérie | |||
Chorvatsko | Indonésie | Seychely | |||
Dánsko | Írán | Tunisko | |||
Estonsko | Jordánsko | Západní Sahara | |||
Finsko | Katar | ||||
Francie | Kazachstán | ||||
Gibraltar | Kuvajt | ||||
Irsko | Libanon | ||||
Island | Malajsie | ||||
Itálie | Mongolsko | ||||
Kypr | Omán | ||||
Lichtenštejnsko | Pákistán | ||||
Litva | Palestinská území | ||||
Lotyšsko | Saúdská Arábie | ||||
Lucembursko | Singapur | ||||
Maďarsko | Spojené arabské emiráty | ||||
Malta | Šrí Lanka | ||||
Moldavsko | Tchaj-wan | ||||
Monako | Thajsko | ||||
Německo | Turecko | ||||
Nizozemsko | Uzbekistán | ||||
Norsko | Vietnam | ||||
Polsko | |||||
Portugalsko | |||||
Rakousko | |||||
Řecko | |||||
Rumunsko | |||||
Rusko | |||||
Severní Makedonie | |||||
Slovensko | |||||
Slovinsko | |||||
Španělsko | |||||
Srbsko | |||||
Švédsko | |||||
Švýcarsko | |||||
Ukrajina | |||||
Vatikán | |||||
Velká Británie |