Publikovat produkty
Rada T2 100 Timed Flow Pillar Tap

Rada T2 100 Timed Flow Pillar Tap

Basin mounted push button tap with 12 (±3) seconds time flow for use on basins or counter tops. (Hot) A non-concussive timed flow basin mounted tap with flow adjustment. The tap is designed to give approximately 12 seconds of flow duration when the button is pressed and released. The internal time flow cartridge provides a choice of five flow settings to give the most economical flow rate over the pressure range available. Features: Contemporary yet robust design. Easy servicing - one piece cartridge. Energy and water saving - adjustable flow. Non-concussive action.
  • Product Reference

    Rada T2 100 Timed Flow Pillar Tap Cold (2.1762.065)

    Rada T2 100 Timed Flow Pillar Tap Hot (2.1762.064)

    Standard product features


    Body and push button: Chrome plated brass.


    Inlet: ½” BSP male parallel thread (to BS 2779), suitable for standard end feed tap connector.


    • Operational pressure (minimum/ maximum): 0.2/ 5 bar.

    • Static pressure (maximum): 10 bar.

    Temperature range:

    80°C maximum water temperature. For safety reasons it is recommended that the hot maximum temperature used for hand washing be pre-set at 40°C using a Rada/ Meynell Thermostatic Mixing Valve. Consult manufacturer's literature for more information.

    Time flow cartridge:

    Factory set in the mid-restriction position.

Technická specifikace
  • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaRada-T2-100-Timed-Flow-Pillar-Tap
  • Skupina výrobkůSanitary
  • Skupina produktůTaps & Mixers
  • TypObjekt
  • Datum zveřejnění2022-08-04
  • Číslo vydání1
  • Hlavní materiálMosaz
  • Vedlejší materiálChrom
  • Navrženo vVelká Británie
  • Vyrobeno vVelká Británie
  • Kategorie objektu BIMSanita - Vodovodní baterie
  • Klasifikace IFCObjekt
  • Kód Uniclass 2015Pr_40_20_87_99
  • Popis Uniclass 2015Washbasin thermostatic water supply sets

Dostupnost regionu

Velká Británie