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Bor Outward opening Lejonet 801G
Bor Outward opening Lejonet 801G

    Bor Outward opening Lejonet 801G

    Outward opening entrance door.

    Which door is yours?
    The indiviual expression in combination with high quality, great sense of detail and robust construction are key aspects when we design our doors. Your door should match the house, be beautiful to behold and have a professional design – both when it comes to security and energy aspects. Our product range contains as much modern features as classical designs.

    Our doors keeps in shape
    Imagine coming home, unlocking the door and feeling calm and safe. You close a robust and secure entrance door behind you made with double steel plates and extra climate sealing. You know you have a unique door where advanced technology doesn´t interfere with elegant design. Our doors are weatherproof and keeps its shape.

     For personal reasons 
    The entrance door is the gateway to your home, it welcomes you and is the first impression for your guests. It is therefor imporatant to choose a proper door! It should live up to all quality- and security requirements, and at NorDan you can choose from a wide range of entrance doors, all having a unique construction with double steel plates, guaranteeing shape stability and security. An additional bonus is the opportunity to get your door in your favourite color and with a variety of accessories. If you´re looking for a personal door with built-in security, NorDan is your option!

    • Dimensions

      Frame dimension: 56 x 105 mm 
      Door leaf thickness: 69 mm 
      Module dimension, e.g. M10-21: 990 x 2088 mm 
      Opening width at 90˚, e.g M10: 815 mm

      Standard Attributes

      Product standard: EN-14351-1:2006 + A2:2016 
      Energy classification: EN-10077-2, U-value: 1,1 W/m2K
      Sound reduction: EN-ISO-10140-2, Rw 31 dB
      Fire rating: EI30 optional
      Air permeability: EN-12207, Class 4
      Rain resistance: EN-12208, Class 9A
      Burglar resistance: EN-1627, RC2(N) optional

    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaNORDAN-ED01DSO-B101
    • Skupina výrobkůExternal doors
    • Skupina produktůGallery
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2019-11-04
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Hlavní materiálDřevo
    • Vedlejší materiálOcel
    • Navrženo vŠvédsko
    • Vyrobeno vŠvédsko
    • Kategorie objektu BIMDveře - Dveřní Sety
    • Klasifikace IFCDveře
    • Název UNSPSCDoors
    • Kód UNSPSC301715
    • Kód Uniclass 2015Pr_30_59_24
    • Popis Uniclass 2015Doorsets
    • Číslo OmniClass23-17 11 00
    • Název OmniClassDoors

    Dostupnost regionu
