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Korg bench swing
Korg bench swing

    Korg bench swing

    3.2 out of 5 stars3.2(5 reviews)

    In response to an increased demand for swing sofas, the popular Korg series by Thomas Bernstrand is now complemented with a much-anticipated swinging sofa as an addition to the existing collection. swing sofa is suspended from two bars attached to a sturdy A-shaped steel frame that is bolted to the ground. The mesh in the Korg series is valuable for many open outdoor spaces, making the furniture both low-maintenance and dry, as water doesn't accumulate in ways it does on larger surfaces. The seat and frame can be ordered in different colours for an extra exciting expression.

    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotakorg-bench-swing
    • Skupina výrobkůFurniture
    • Skupina produktůSofas
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2024-02-06
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Výška (mm)1825
    • Šířka (mm)2200
    • Hloubka (mm)1140
    • Hlavní materiálOcel
    • Kategorie objektu BIMZahradní architektura - Venkovní nábytek
    • Klasifikace IFCNábytek
    • Kód ETIMEG017960
    • Název ETIMFurniture
    • Kód Uniclass 2015Pr_40_30_29_84
    • Popis Uniclass 2015Street and site benches
    • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201412 50 00
    • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Furniture
    • Číslo OmniClass23-11 29 00
    • Název OmniClassSite Furnishings

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