recessed for outdoor applications (not suitable for use in swimming pools or fountains)
drive-over up to 4000 kg
recessed (ceiling, wall, floor)
Power: 14W, 19W (Bright 5.F) - 20W (Bright 5.H)
Power supply: 24Vdc
Lumen output at source: 1663 lm (3000K, 19W, CRI 80), 1538 lm (3000K, 19W, CRI 90), 1131 lm (3000K, 14W, CRI 80), 1046 lm (3000K, 14W, CRI 90) (Bright 5.F) - 1021 lm, R: 146 lm G: 329 lm B: 117 lm W: 429 lm (4000K) (Bright 5.H)
Delivered lumen output: 821 lm (3000K, 12°, 14W, CRI 80), 759 lm (3000K, 12°, 14W, CRI 90), 1208 lm (3000K, 12°, 19W, CRI 80), 1117 lm (3000K, 12°, 19W, CRI 90) (Bright 5.F) - 656 lm, R: 101 lm G: 204 lm B: 75 lm W: 276 lm (4000K, 20°) (Bright 5.H)
3 high-intensity power LEDs, 3-step MacAdam, 50 000h L95 B10 (Ta 25°C) (Bright 5.F) - 3 RGBW power LED groups, 50 000h L85 B10 (Ta 25°C) (Bright 5.H)
LED colour: 2700K, 3000K, 4000K (Bright 5.F) - RGBW (Bright 5.H)
Optics: 10°, 18°, 31°, 35°, 56°: optical system consisting of 3 high-efficiency TIR lenses combined with a high-quality technical filter, 12°: optical system consisting of 3 high-efficiency TIR lenses, 15°x47°: optical system consisting of 3 high-efficiency TIR lenses with elliptical emission, combined with a high-quality technical filter, 67°x11° adjustable through 360°: optical system consisting of 3 high-efficiency TIR lenses combined with a high-quality elliptical technical filter and integrated with magnetic material for adjusting the ellipsis (patented) (Bright 5.F) - 20°, 34°, 61°: optical system made up of three groups, each consisting of 4 high-efficiency TIR microlenses combined with a high-quality technical filter (Bright 5.H)
CRI: 80, 90 (Bright 5.F)
Body material: body made of ANTICORODAL 6082 aluminium alloy, made entirely on a CNC lathe and then electro-coloured black. Trim in AISI 316L stainless steel, made with a CNC lathe
Screen material: 10-mm-thick transparent extra-clear glass, high transmittance to ensure chromatic uniformity of light, serigraphed grey and tempered for excellent resistance to knocks and scratches
Seals: the silicone rubber gaskets guarantee maximum resistance to UV rays and unchanging mechanical characteristics over time
power supply unit not included
includes 1,50 m neoprene cable, H05RN-F 2x0,75/0,75 Ø6,3 mm (Bright 5.F) - includes 1.50 m FEP+RUB cable (equivalent to H05RN-F) 6x0.50/0.50 Ø6.3 mm (Bright 5.H)
Ingress protection: IP65, IP68, IP69K
Impact resistance: IK10
67°x11° optics adjustable through 360° using the magnet provided
Protection systems: IPS (Intelligent Protection System) protects lighting fixtures from water infiltrations, which can occur if there are faulty junctions between the cables in outdoor or underwater applications. This innovation, patented by L&L, also guarantees electrical protection against polarity reversal, hot plugging, ESD and power surges, which can occur if there are faults in the electrical circuit; The PID (Protective Impedance Device) protects lighting fixtures from electrical phenomena external to the system, such as static electricity accumulation or electromagnetic interference coming from the mains power. Generally, these are events with a low energy content; This is an NTC thermistor mounted on the LED board to protect the lighting fixture against overheating. Should the product function at an operating temperature greater than the maximum temperature at which it can operate correctly, the protection is activated and gradually reduces the power. The NTC causes the integrated electronic parts to cool down to avoid the lighting fixture instantly switching itself off. When the operating temperature is again within normal range, the NTC automatically restores the lighting fixture’s original operating conditions
Operating temperature: -20°C — +45°C
Maximum device temperature: 40°C (Ta 25°C)
Glow wire test: 960°
Photobiological safety: photobiological safety: risk group 1 according to EN 62471:2006
Appliance class: III
Weight: 1350 g
Dimensions: Ø148x90 mm
Cutout dimensions: Ø125 mm
Volume of thermal heatsink: Ø260x150 mm
Energy efficiency class: A / A+ / A++
Accessories: honeycomb louvre, WC0501 Outer casing, WC0601 Outer casing, WC0701 Outer casing, WE0201 Magnet for adjustable optics, WG0200 Fixing springs Ø70mm
tested and approved via E.O.L. (End Of Line) test with functioning test and check of electrical power consumption
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa | Asie | Severní Amerika | Afrika | Jižní Amerika | Oceánie |
Ålandy | Afghánistán | Anguilla | Alžírsko | Argentina | Americká Samoa |
Albánie | Arménie | Antigua a Barbuda | Angola | Bolívie | Austrálie |
Andorra | Ázerbájdžán | Aruba | Benin | Brazílie | Cookovy ostrovy |
Belgie | Bahrain | Bahamy | Botswana | Chile | Federativní státy Mikronésie |
Bělorusko | Bangladéš | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Ekvádor | Fidži |
Bosna a Hercegovina | Bhútán | Belize | Burundi | Falklandy (Malvíny) | Francouzská Polynésie |
Bulharsko | Britské indickoocenánské území | Bermudské ostrovy | Čad | Francouzská Guyana | Guam |
Černá Hora | Brunej | Britské Panenské ostrovy | Demokratická republika Kongo | Guyana | Kiribati |
Česká republika | Čína | Curaçao | Džibuti | Kolumbie | Marshallovy ostrovy |
Chorvatsko | Filipíny | Dominika | Egypt | Paraguay | Nauru |
Dánsko | Gruzie | Dominikánská republika | Eritrea | Peru | Niue |
Estonsko | Hongkong | Gaudeloupe | Etiopie | Surinam | Nová Kaledonie |
Faerské ostrovy | Indie | Grenada | Gabon | Uruguay | Nový Zéland |
Finsko | Indonésie | Grónsko | Gambie | Venezuela | ostrov Norfolk |
Francie | Irák | Guatemala | Ghana | Palau | |
Gibraltar | Írán | Haiti | Guinea | Papua-Nová Guinea | |
Guernsey | Izrael | Honduras | Guinea Bissau | Pitcairnovy ostrovy | |
Irsko | Japonsko | Jamajka | Jihoafrická republika | Šalamounovy ostrovy | |
Island | Jemen | Kajmanské ostrovy | Jižní Súdán | Samoa | |
Itálie | Jordánsko | Kanada | Kamerun | Severní Mariany | |
Jan Mayen | Kambodža | Karibské Nizozemsko | Kapverdy | Tokelau | |
Jersey | Katar | Kostarika | Keňa | Tonga | |
Kypr | Kazachstán | Kuba | Komorské ostrovy | Tuvalu | |
Lichtenštejnsko | Kokosové ostrovy | Martinik | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Litva | Korejská lidově demokratická republika | Mexiko | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Lotyšsko | Korejská republika | Montserrat | Libérie | Východní Timor | |
Lucembursko | Kuvajt | Nikaragua | Lybie | Wallis a Futuna | |
Maďarsko | Kyrgyzstán | ostrovy Turks a Caicos | Madagaskar | ||
Malta | Laos | Panama | Malawi | ||
Moldavsko | Libanon | Pannenske Ostrovy | Mali | ||
Monako | Macao | Portoriko | Maroko | ||
Německo | Malajsie | Saint-Pierre a Miquelon | Mauricius | ||
Nizozemsko | Maledivy | Salvador | Mauritánie | ||
Norsko | Mongolsko | Spojené státy americké | Mayotte | ||
ostrov Man | Myanmar (Barma) | Svatá Lucie | Mosambik | ||
Polsko | Nepál | Svatý Bartoloměj | Namibie | ||
Portugalsko | Omán | Svatý Kryštof a Nevis | Niger | ||
Rakousko | Pákistán | Svatý Martin | Nigérie | ||
Řecko | Palestinská území | Svatý Martin | Pobřeží slonoviny | ||
Rumunsko | Saúdská Arábie | Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny | Réunion | ||
Rusko | Singapur | Trinidad a Tobago | Rovníková Guinea | ||
San Marino | Spojené arabské emiráty | Rwanda | |||
Severní Makedonie | Šrí Lanka | Senegal | |||
Slovensko | Sýrie | Seychely | |||
Slovinsko | Tádžikistán | Sierra Leone | |||
Španělsko | Tchaj-wan | Somálsko | |||
Srbsko | Thajsko | Středoafrická republika | |||
Švédsko | Turecko | Súdán | |||
Švýcarsko | Turkmenistán | Svatá Helena | |||
Ukrajina | Uzbekistán | Svatý Tomáš a Princův ostrov | |||
Vatikán | Vánoční ostrov | Svazijsko | |||
Velká Británie | Vietnam | Tanzánie | |||
Togo | |||||
Tunisko | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambie | |||||
Západní Sahara | |||||
Zimbabwe |