Publikovat produkty
Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140
Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140
Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140
Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140
Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140
Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140
Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140
Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140
Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140
Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140

    Round downpipe system 120 for rectangular gutter 140

    Lindab rainwater system is developed by professionals for both professionals and end-customers. It’s a simple but good system to install and use and we can promise it will fulfill its task. The products are developed for perfect fit to each other for a better looking installation. All products are available in the same color no matter if it’s a precoated product or powdercoated. The rainwater system is a big assortment with many different dimensions, colors and products for different type of installations. Both for small and big buildings. The downpipe system contains all necessary products from the nozzle piece connected to the gutter and down to the end. Choose between a pipe down in the ground, a shoe or one of Lindabs solutions for cleaning. All of the products in this system are made of precoated galvanized steel in 0,6mm thickness (except for Magestic, which is a non coated material). Because of the high quality steel, coated or non coated, it will age in the same way as all the other products in the system and no difference in design will occur. This product is made of precoated galvanized steel in 0,6mm thickness (except for Magestic, which is a non coated material).
    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaround-downpipe-system-140-120
    • Skupina výrobkůRainwater System
    • Skupina produktůRectangular System
    • TypSestavit (několik objektů)
    • Datum zveřejnění2018-05-21
    • Číslo vydání2
    • Šířka (mm)120
    • Hlavní materiálOcel galvanizovaná
    • Navrženo vŠvédsko
    • Vyrobeno vŠvédsko
    • Kategorie objektu BIMKonstrukce - Střešní příslušenství
    • Klasifikace IFCObjekt
    • Název UNSPSCRain gutters and accessories
    • Kód UNSPSC301517
    • Kód Uniclass 2015Pr_65_50_35
    • Popis Uniclass 2015Gutters and accessories
    • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201407 71 23
    • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Manufactured Gutters and Downspouts
    • Číslo OmniClass23-13 41 39 11
    • Název OmniClassRoof Downspouts
    • Kód CSI UniFormat IID2040
    • Název CSI UniFormat IIRain Water Drainage

    Dostupnost regionu

    Česká republika
    Velká Británie