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Mira Azora 9.8kW
Mira Azora 9.8kW
Mira Azora 9.8kW
Mira Azora 9.8kW
    Mira Showers

    Mira Azora 9.8kW

    Simple frosted glass fascia perfectly complemented by smooth chrome features and combined with thermostatic technology.
    • Control type: Thermostatic SMA Phased shutdown flushes hot water from the tank to make it safe for the next user Factory set to safe maximum temperature at 48°C Supply Voltage: 230v + 10% Supply rating 45 amp Terminal block connections: Maximum 16mm2 Water entry points: Left (Rising, falling or rear with an elbow) Cable entry points: Left (Rising, falling or rear) Inlet connections: Brass inlet connector. 15mm compression fitting Outlet connections: 1/2" BSP Male Minimum maintained pressure: 0.7 bar (7 metre head) Maximum maintained pressure: 5.0 bar (50 metre head) Maximum static pressure: 10.0 bar (100 metre head) Separate temperature and flow controls Four spray 11cm showerhead Sensi-flo™ technology helps prevent scalding if the showerhead or hose become blocked Clearscale™ and Dual Element™ reduces limescale by up to 50% Energy Efficienct Class A
    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaAZORA98
    • Skupina výrobkůElectric
    • Skupina produktůAzora
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2020-03-18
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Výška (mm)675
    • Šířka (mm)233
    • Hloubka (mm)318
    • Hlavní materiálABS
    • Vedlejší materiálMosaz
    • Navrženo vVelká Británie
    • Vyrobeno vVelká Británie
    • Čistá hmotnost (kg)4.174
    • Kategorie objektu BIMSanita - Sprchy
    • Klasifikace IFCElektrický spotřebič
    • Kód Uniclass 2015Pr_60_60_96_26
    • Popis Uniclass 2015Electric instantaneous shower units

    Dostupnost regionu

    Velká Británie