Publikovat produkty REVO 25 Variant - Access panel for universal application in all wall and ceiling systems
Knauf Gips KG REVO 25 Variant - Access panel for universal application in all wall and ceiling systems

Inspection flaps for installation in wall, ceiling and front cover. For all planking thicknesses from 20 to 25 mm, consisting of an anodized aluminum frame with a swing-out and completely removable inner cover, an optionally flush-mounted or screwed-in diamond plate as well as a self-activating safety catch.
  • Features and added value: One inspection flap for wall and ceiling, universally applicable for plank thicknesses 20 and 25 mm, flush-mounted plasterboard Diamant GKFI (no filling of the lid required), little opening path of the closure and low installation depth in the cavity, can be retrofitted, fit even when Befliesung in the sanitary area. Application: Universally applicable for ceilings and walls, z. B .: Knauf mounting walls, attachment shells, suspended ceilings.
Technická specifikace
  • Jedinečná ref. hodnotadrywall_E112B-DE_revo-25-variant_access-panel
  • Skupina výrobkůAccess panels
  • Skupina produktůAccess panels
  • TypObjekt
  • Datum zveřejnění2017-11-27
  • Číslo vydání1
  • Hlavní materiálSádra
  • Vedlejší materiálOstatní
  • Navrženo vNěmecko
  • Vyrobeno vNěmecko
  • Kategorie objektu BIMKonstrukce - Přístupové dveře a panely
  • Klasifikace IFCPrvek budovy

Dostupnost regionu
