Kalfire W85/40F is a closed wood fireplace. A wood fire has incomparable power to captivate. Not only does a blazing fire provide warmth, it also creates a cosy, intimate atmosphere. Kalfire is continuously seeking to develop this convivial aspect of its fires while optimizing their performance, research which has given rise to the new generation of Kalfire W closed fires. Compared to a traditional fireplace, the only thing we haven’t changed is the wood.
Front model
The front Kalfire W models are available in a wide variety of designs and sizes. The width of the glass panel ranges from 45 to 105 cm, and the shape from virtually square to rectangular. This large choice allows you to find a model to match your interior and the space available.
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa |
Albánie |
Andorra |
Belgie |
Bělorusko |
Bosna a Hercegovina |
Bulharsko |
Černá Hora |
Česká republika |
Chorvatsko |
Dánsko |
Estonsko |
Finsko |
Francie |
Gibraltar |
Irsko |
Island |
Itálie |
Kypr |
Lichtenštejnsko |
Litva |
Lotyšsko |
Lucembursko |
Maďarsko |
Malta |
Moldavsko |
Monako |
Německo |
Nizozemsko |
Norsko |
ostrov Man |
Polsko |
Portugalsko |
Rakousko |
Řecko |
Rumunsko |
Rusko |
San Marino |
Severní Makedonie |
Slovensko |
Slovinsko |
Španělsko |
Srbsko |
Švédsko |
Švýcarsko |
Ukrajina |
Vatikán |
Velká Británie |