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Addit 8.2
Addit 8.2
Addit 8.2

    Addit 8.2

    Upholstered footstool on legs of powder coated or chromium plated cast aluminium. With its patented, multidirectional linking device, Addit is a collection that inspires to creative and flexible solutions. The modules have a classic timeless design with clearly articulated features where the users can create their own unique expression with the help of different colours and choice of materials on upholstery, frame and legs. Addit bench and ottoman: Addit benches and ottomans completes the Addit sofa/modular system series, but can also be used as solitaries. The bench can be linked with the magnetic, patented linking device, allowing to create a long row of bench seating. The ottomans can be used as smaller och larger “islands” in any room.

    • Addit consists of six modular units – right-unit, left-unit, corner-unit, centre-unit, and two bench and ottoman units. Thanks to the innovative, patented linking device that Lammhults has developed, the units can be linked together entirely according to the users wishes. Each unit can also function as a fully upholstered stand-alone furniture piece. With Addit, Anya Sebton stretches the limits and inspires the users to make their own creative choices. The ottomans have no linking device.

    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaaddit-8-2
    • Skupina výrobkůInspec
    • Skupina produktůLammhults Collection
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2023-01-20
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Výška (palce)18.5
    • Šířka (palce)53.9
    • Hloubka (palce)25.6
    • Hlavní materiálPotah
    • Vedlejší materiálKov
    • Navrženo vŠvédsko
    • Vyrobeno vŠvédsko
    • Čistá hmotnost (lb)47.18
    • Kategorie objektu BIMNábytek - Pohovky
    • Klasifikace IFCNábytek
    • Kód ETIMEG017960
    • Název ETIMFurniture
    • Název UNSPSCFurniture and Furnishings
    • Kód UNSPSC56
    • Kód Uniclass 2015Pr_40_50_12_81
    • Popis Uniclass 2015Sofas
    • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201412 58 13
    • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Couches and Loveseats
    • Číslo OmniClass23-21 23 13 15
    • Název OmniClassResidential Sofas
    • Kód CSI UniFormat IIE2020
    • Název CSI UniFormat IIMovable Furnishings

    Dostupnost regionu

    Severní Amerika
    Spojené státy americké