HUB parking lane is the suggested combination of mechanical, guidance and masonry elements that compose an entry or exit lane, respectively to access or exit an off-street parking facility with controlled access.
The lane is a one-way driving roadway that is designated for use by a single line of vehicles (cars, motorcycles, trucks) and is composed of a minimum of 600-mm wide platform masonry, magnetic loops and Jupiter peripheral station connected with a Magnetic barrier.
Proportions of the various elements and dimensions of the loops are ideal for a complete and frictionless access and exit parking experience with Jupiter.
In an entry lane, users gain access to the parking area, by driving the vehicle on the side of the platform and stopping by Jupiter LE or LES (slim) entry station, that controls vehicles’ access and dispenses 2D barcode ticket or reads a proximity card. The peripheral can be integrated with the option to read RFID tags through a long-range reader or license plate numbers for monthly subscribers by means of a LPR camera, as well as parking guidance and information systems.
In an exit lane, users exit the parking facility by stopping at the Jupiter LX or LXS (slim) exit station, that reads 2D barcode ticket or proximity cards.
Vehicle-detection magnetic loops need to be built 4-8 cm (1.5 – 3 ¼ inches) under the pavement surface, in order to detect vehicles that pass over the loop or that stop within the loop, at the height of the Jupiter peripheral, then allowing the barrier to be activated at the right time.
The magnetic loops detect only metal masses above a certain size, in order to avoid false positive triggers.
Dostupnost regionu
Asie | Evropa | Afrika | Jižní Amerika | Oceánie | Severní Amerika |
Afghánistán | Albánie | Alžírsko | Argentina | Austrálie | Bahamy |
Arménie | Belgie | Angola | Bolívie | Fidži | Belize |
Ázerbájdžán | Bělorusko | Benin | Brazílie | Nová Kaledonie | Dominikánská republika |
Bangladéš | Bosna a Hercegovina | Botswana | Chile | Nový Zéland | Grónsko |
Bhútán | Bulharsko | Burkina Faso | Ekvádor | Papua-Nová Guinea | Guatemala |
Brunej | Černá Hora | Burundi | Falklandy (Malvíny) | Šalamounovy ostrovy | Haiti |
Čína | Česká republika | Čad | Francouzská Guyana | Vanuatu | Honduras |
Filipíny | Chorvatsko | Demokratická republika Kongo | Guyana | Východní Timor | Jamajka |
Gruzie | Dánsko | Džibuti | Kolumbie | Kanada | |
Indie | Estonsko | Egypt | Paraguay | Kostarika | |
Indonésie | Finsko | Eritrea | Peru | Kuba | |
Irák | Francie | Etiopie | Surinam | Mexiko | |
Írán | Irsko | Gabon | Uruguay | Nikaragua | |
Izrael | Island | Gambie | Venezuela | Panama | |
Jemen | Itálie | Ghana | Portoriko | ||
Jordánsko | Jan Mayen | Guinea | Salvador | ||
Kambodža | Kypr | Guinea Bissau | Spojené státy americké | ||
Katar | Litva | Jihoafrická republika | Trinidad a Tobago | ||
Kazachstán | Lotyšsko | Kamerun | |||
Korejská republika | Lucembursko | Keňa | |||
Kuvajt | Maďarsko | Kongo | |||
Kyrgyzstán | Moldavsko | Lesotho | |||
Laos | Německo | Libérie | |||
Libanon | Nizozemsko | Lybie | |||
Malajsie | Norsko | Madagaskar | |||
Omán | Polsko | Malawi | |||
Palestinská území | Portugalsko | Mali | |||
Saúdská Arábie | Rakousko | Maroko | |||
Spojené arabské emiráty | Řecko | Mauritánie | |||
Šrí Lanka | Rumunsko | Mosambik | |||
Tádžikistán | Severní Makedonie | Namibie | |||
Tchaj-wan | Slovensko | Niger | |||
Thajsko | Slovinsko | Nigérie | |||
Turecko | Španělsko | Pobřeží slonoviny | |||
Turkmenistán | Srbsko | Rovníková Guinea | |||
Uzbekistán | Švédsko | Rwanda | |||
Vietnam | Švýcarsko | Senegal | |||
Ukrajina | Sierra Leone | ||||
Velká Británie | Somálsko | ||||
Středoafrická republika | |||||
Súdán | |||||
Svazijsko | |||||
Tanzánie | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisko | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambie | |||||
Západní Sahara | |||||
Zimbabwe |