The Camp table is a lower lounge table designed by Anderssen & Voll.
The shape of the squircle shaped table top, is a rounded square, great for public areas. No hard lines and a functional, soft shape that makes the table fit into several areas.
The table top is available in two different sizes and in two different heights. The result is a table that can stand between two chairs, used as a side table or as part of larger seating groups.
The base has a silky soft textured surface.
The squircle shape is a rounded square, great for public areas!
25 mm squircle shaped MDF in black stained ash with chamfered edge
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa |
Albánie |
Belgie |
Bělorusko |
Bosna a Hercegovina |
Bulharsko |
Černá Hora |
Česká republika |
Chorvatsko |
Dánsko |
Estonsko |
Finsko |
Francie |
Irsko |
Island |
Itálie |
Jan Mayen |
Kypr |
Litva |
Lotyšsko |
Lucembursko |
Maďarsko |
Moldavsko |
Německo |
Nizozemsko |
Norsko |
Polsko |
Portugalsko |
Rakousko |
Řecko |
Rumunsko |
Rusko |
Severní Makedonie |
Slovensko |
Slovinsko |
Španělsko |
Srbsko |
Švédsko |
Švýcarsko |
Ukrajina |
Velká Británie |