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Manual Sliding Door, ICU 300/1200 Showcase
Manual Sliding Door, ICU 300/1200 Showcase
Manual Sliding Door, ICU 300/1200 Showcase
Manual Sliding Door, ICU 300/1200 Showcase
Manual Sliding Door, ICU 300/1200 Showcase
Manual Sliding Door, ICU 300/1200 Showcase
Manual Sliding Door, ICU 300/1200 Showcase

    Manual Sliding Door, ICU 300/1200 Showcase

    ICU300 / ICU300T Doors

    Manual Sliding Doors with Breakout Expanded Access

    The ICU300 doors are available in a wide range of sizes, configurations, and finishes. Single, biparting, or telescopic doors are available with either two, three, four, or six panels. A recessed track or trackless guide system allows for easy operation with or without a floor track. Perfect Access for hospitals and surgical centers.

    • Track or Trackless bottom guide option
    • Electrostatic discharge grounding
    • Remote panel status monitoring
    • Positive latch
    • High-strength trackless model available

    ICU1200 Swing Door

    Manual Bi-directional Swing Door with Bi-fold Function

    The ICU1200 allows the ease of a bi-directional swing door with expanded access using a bi-fold set. This three panel door gives the access you need without the need for breakout.

    • Package size to fit application
    • Sidelites with vertical and horizontal weatherstrips
    • Standard finishes: clear & dark bronze
    • Stainless steel pull handles on both the swing & bi-fold door
    • Hinge on bi-fold door designed to protect fingers

    The BIMobject filename indicates Revit wall types application:

    Solid Wall, [no tag]
    Curtain Wall, CW

    The BIMobject filename indicates the door assembly type:

    Single panel doors

    SN          Single panel, Narrow stile

    Bi-parting panel doors

    BN          Bi-parting  panels, Narrow stile

    CAD DWG format files are available online through the dormakaba entrance systems ICU300 and the ICU1200 product pages.

    • ICU300 / ICU300T Doors

      Manual Sliding Doors with Breakout Expanded Access


      dormakaba offers a complete line of ICU manual sliding doors for special care facilities such as hospitals and surgical centers. The ICU allows for continuous observation of patients, while allowing quick and easy access during emergency conditions.

      Emergency egress

      • All dormakaba ICU Systems are capable of emergency egress when required. Emergency release hardware allows for the doors to swing out in the direction of egress when pushed.

      For the user

      • Simple operation
      • Enhanced working conditions
      • Excellent quality ensures long lifespan
      • For the installer
      • Easy installation and rapid commissioning

      For the architect/specifier

      • Sliding doors for special care facilities such as hospitals and surgical centers.

      ICU1200 Swing Door

      Manual Bi-directional Swing Door with Bi-fold Function

      The perfect fit

      The ICU 1200 is the perfect fit for installations with limited width and self-closing requirements. Swing door can be used primarily with bi-fold as breakaway.

      Combining two door types

      THE ICU 1200 combines two types of doors: a doubleacting swing door on one side and a bi-fold manual door on the other.

      Handling traffic

      For normal traffic, the swing door opens conveniently in either direction. For a wider opening, the bi-fold door collapses to open nearly the full width of the doorway.

      For the installer

      • Easy installation and rapid commissioning

      For the architect/specifier

      • Three panel door without the need for breakout.
      • A perfect health care solution.

      For the user

      • Simple operation
      • Enhanced working conditions
      • Excellent quality ensures long lifespan


    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotamanual_sliding_door_ICU300_1200
    • Skupina výrobkůInterior Glass
    • Skupina produktůSliding Door Systems
    • TypSestava (model)
    • Datum zveřejnění2021-08-27
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Hlavní materiálSklo
    • Vedlejší materiálHliník
    • Navrženo vSpojené státy americké
    • Vyrobeno vSpojené státy americké
    • Kategorie objektu BIMDveře - Posuvné dveře
    • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201408 32 13
    • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Sliding Aluminum-Framed Glass Doors

    Dostupnost regionu

    Severní Amerika
    Antigua a Barbuda
    Bermudské ostrovy
    Britské Panenské ostrovy
    Dominikánská republika
    Kajmanské ostrovy
    Karibské Nizozemsko
    ostrovy Turks a Caicos
    Pannenske Ostrovy
    Saint-Pierre a Miquelon
    Spojené státy americké
    Svatá Lucie
    Svatý Bartoloměj
    Svatý Kryštof a Nevis
    Svatý Martin
    Svatý Martin
    Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny
    Trinidad a Tobago