The Crestron® HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 multiformat AV switch and receiver provides enhanced HDMI® video switching and audio presentation capabilities in areas such as conference rooms and classrooms. Compatible with all DM Lite™ transmitters, the HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 provides three DM Lite inputs for connection to up to three transmitters. A CATx (CAT5e or higher) twisted pair cable connects a transmitter to the HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 for the transmission of HDMI signals. For resolutions up to 2K, the maximum transmission distance is 230 ft (70 m). For higher resolutions up to 4K, the maximum transmission distance is 130 ft (40 m).1
NOTE: Power is transmitted over the CATx cable that connects the HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 to a DM Lite transmitter. The HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 can power three transmitters simultaneously.
In addition to three DM Lite inputs, the HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 provides two HDMI inputs that can be connected to local AV sources.
Automatic Switching of Inputs
Automatic switching among the DM Lite and HDMI inputs can occur based on the last connected input. Switching behavior is configurable using the web interface or programmable using a Crestron control system. In addition, input selection push buttons on the front panel of the HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 allow the desired input to be selected manually.
HDMI Output with 4K Scaler
A single HDMI output with a built-in scaler connects to a display or other device with an HDMI input.2 Input resolutions are automatically scaled to match the native resolution of the display device, resulting in optimal image quality. For applications requiring comprehensive EDID management, the web interface can be used to ensure that every input is displayed at its optimal resolution and format. Input resolutions up to 4K60 4:2:0 are supported.
4-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch with Two PoE+ Ports
The HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 includes a 4-port Gigabit Ethernet switch. Two of the ports (Ports 3 and 4) are PoE+ power sourcing equipment (PSE) ports that can be connected to two PoE+ powered devices (PDs) simultaneously.
Enhanced Audio Capabilities
The HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 includes a built-in amplifier that can drive a pair of 4- or 8-ohm stereo speakers (25 W per channel). The HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 also provides 6x2 audio mixing capability. Embedded HDMI 2-channel LPCM audio can be extracted from the selected DM Lite or HDMI input and combined with the five analog audio inputs (LINE 1, LINE 2, MIC 1, MIC 2, and AUX). Gain and mute sound adjustments can be made to each of the six inputs being mixed. The mixed audio is then transmitted as two audio outputs: one mirrored AUX 1, SPEAKER, HDMI mixer output and one AUX 2 output. Audio mixer settings such as volume and mute control are configurable for each of the two outputs independently.
Device Control
Equipped with onboard control ports, the HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 can control various devices in a room. The COM (RS-232) port and CEC over the HDMI output can enable the display device to be turned on or off automatically without the use of a control system. With the use of a control system, the IR port can also control the display device. Two relay ports are provided for controlling a projection screen and other low-voltage contact-closure activated equipment. Two Versiport I/O ports enable the integration of devices such as power sensors and motion detectors. An Ethernet port connection to a LAN also provides control by enabling use of the built-in web interface as well as connection to a control system.
NOTE: The IR, COM, and Ethernet ports cannot be used to extend signals over a DM Lite connection.
.AV Framework™ Technology Support
In addition to a built-in web interface and control system programming, the built-in .AV Framework technology of the MPC3-201 and MPC3-302 control systems can be used to control the HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 as a switcher. (For information about .AV Framework technology, visit
Crestron XiO Cloud™ Service Support
The HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 is compatible with the Crestron XiO Cloud service, which is an IoT (Internet of Things) based platform for remotely provisioning, monitoring, and managing Crestron devices across an enterprise or an entire client base. The service enables installers and IT managers to deploy and manage thousands of devices in the amount of time it would ordinarily take to manage a single device. For more information, visit
Compact Design
Compact in design, the HD‑RX-4K-510-C-E-SW4 can be mounted onto a flat surface such as a wall or attached to the underside of a table.
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa | Asie | Severní Amerika | Afrika | Jižní Amerika | Oceánie |
Ålandy | Afghánistán | Anguilla | Alžírsko | Argentina | Americká Samoa |
Albánie | Arménie | Antigua a Barbuda | Angola | Bolívie | Austrálie |
Andorra | Ázerbájdžán | Aruba | Benin | Brazílie | Cookovy ostrovy |
Belgie | Bahrain | Bahamy | Botswana | Chile | Federativní státy Mikronésie |
Bělorusko | Bangladéš | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Ekvádor | Fidži |
Bosna a Hercegovina | Bhútán | Belize | Burundi | Falklandy (Malvíny) | Francouzská Polynésie |
Bulharsko | Britské indickoocenánské území | Bermudské ostrovy | Čad | Francouzská Guyana | Guam |
Černá Hora | Brunej | Britské Panenské ostrovy | Demokratická republika Kongo | Guyana | Kiribati |
Česká republika | Čína | Curaçao | Džibuti | Kolumbie | Marshallovy ostrovy |
Chorvatsko | Filipíny | Dominika | Egypt | Paraguay | Nauru |
Dánsko | Gruzie | Dominikánská republika | Eritrea | Peru | Niue |
Estonsko | Hongkong | Gaudeloupe | Etiopie | Surinam | Nová Kaledonie |
Faerské ostrovy | Indie | Grenada | Gabon | Uruguay | Nový Zéland |
Finsko | Indonésie | Grónsko | Gambie | Venezuela | ostrov Norfolk |
Francie | Irák | Guatemala | Ghana | Palau | |
Gibraltar | Írán | Haiti | Guinea | Papua-Nová Guinea | |
Guernsey | Izrael | Honduras | Guinea Bissau | Pitcairnovy ostrovy | |
Irsko | Japonsko | Jamajka | Jihoafrická republika | Šalamounovy ostrovy | |
Island | Jemen | Kajmanské ostrovy | Jižní Súdán | Samoa | |
Itálie | Jordánsko | Kanada | Kamerun | Severní Mariany | |
Jan Mayen | Kambodža | Karibské Nizozemsko | Kapverdy | Tokelau | |
Jersey | Katar | Kostarika | Keňa | Tonga | |
Kypr | Kazachstán | Kuba | Komorské ostrovy | Tuvalu | |
Lichtenštejnsko | Kokosové ostrovy | Martinik | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Litva | Korejská lidově demokratická republika | Mexiko | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Lotyšsko | Korejská republika | Montserrat | Libérie | Východní Timor | |
Lucembursko | Kuvajt | Nikaragua | Lybie | Wallis a Futuna | |
Maďarsko | Kyrgyzstán | ostrovy Turks a Caicos | Madagaskar | ||
Malta | Laos | Panama | Malawi | ||
Moldavsko | Libanon | Pannenske Ostrovy | Mali | ||
Monako | Macao | Portoriko | Maroko | ||
Německo | Malajsie | Saint-Pierre a Miquelon | Mauricius | ||
Nizozemsko | Maledivy | Salvador | Mauritánie | ||
Norsko | Mongolsko | Spojené státy americké | Mayotte | ||
ostrov Man | Myanmar (Barma) | Svatá Lucie | Mosambik | ||
Polsko | Nepál | Svatý Bartoloměj | Namibie | ||
Portugalsko | Omán | Svatý Kryštof a Nevis | Niger | ||
Rakousko | Pákistán | Svatý Martin | Nigérie | ||
Řecko | Palestinská území | Svatý Martin | Pobřeží slonoviny | ||
Rumunsko | Saúdská Arábie | Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny | Réunion | ||
Rusko | Singapur | Trinidad a Tobago | Rovníková Guinea | ||
San Marino | Spojené arabské emiráty | Rwanda | |||
Severní Makedonie | Šrí Lanka | Senegal | |||
Slovensko | Sýrie | Seychely | |||
Slovinsko | Tádžikistán | Sierra Leone | |||
Španělsko | Tchaj-wan | Somálsko | |||
Srbsko | Thajsko | Středoafrická republika | |||
Švédsko | Turecko | Súdán | |||
Švýcarsko | Turkmenistán | Svatá Helena | |||
Ukrajina | Uzbekistán | Svatý Tomáš a Princův ostrov | |||
Vatikán | Vánoční ostrov | Svazijsko | |||
Velká Británie | Vietnam | Tanzánie | |||
Togo | |||||
Tunisko | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambie | |||||
Západní Sahara | |||||
Zimbabwe |