The UC-BX30-Z Crestron Flex advanced tabletop conferencing system provides a small room video conference solution for use with Microsoft Teams® and Zoom Rooms™ software. It supports single or dual video displays1 (not included) and features a tabletop touch screen, smart soundbar and camera, UC bracket assembly, UC presentation transmitter, PoE injector, and cables.
Microsoft Teams® and Zoom Rooms™ Software Experience
The UC-BX30-Z system features Microsoft Teams and Zoom Rooms conferencing software that enables audio and video connectivity for easy collaboration and content sharing.
Intuitive User Interface
With a large 10.1 in. (257 mm) capacitive touch screen display, the Crestron® tabletop touch screen (TS‑1070) provides superior conferencing control in meeting rooms, huddle spaces, and executive offices. The touch screen also offers optional control of room lighting, shades, thermostats, and other equipment.2
Simplified Deployment
The UC Bracket Assembly provides preassembled components on one ready-to-mount bracket to simplify installation. The assembly can be mounted on a wall, or it can be attached to the rear of the display device.
High‑Definition Video Conferencing with Impressive Audio
High-quality speakers, microphone, and digital signal processing deliver exceptional full-duplex speakerphone performance from the Crestron UC video conference soundbar and camera (UC-SB1-CAM-FLEX). The built-in conferencing camera captures the room in HD 1080p video resolution and with an ultra-wide 150° diagonal field of view.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Conference room visitors can connect their laptop to the Crestron Flex system to use their own UC conference platform. The UC Presentation Transmitter (UC‑PR) switches to the connected laptop's UC platform and returns to the native platform when disconnected.3 For a list of BYOD tested devices on the UC‑PR, refer to OLH Article 1000889.
Enterprise‑Grade Security
Crestron Flex is an enterprise‑grade solution that is ideally equipped for mass deployment throughout any sized corporate, university, medical, military, or government facility.
Easy Provisioning and Device Management
The XiO Cloud service is an IoT cloud based provisioning service (available separately) that enables installers and IT managers to easily deploy and manage thousands of devices. The XiO Cloud service allows for system alerts, network management and provisioning, and the pairing of a control device to the system’s UC Engine. System updates are controlled by Windows® software update.
Premium‑Level Support
Crestron Flex Care is an optional subscription service that automatically renews annually, providing 24/7 live remote technical support, an extended five year warranty on Crestron® hardware, expedited advance replacements, and a discounted rate for on-site support.
Deployment Resources
View the Crestron Flex Pre-Deployment Checklist to help plan your Crestron Flex installation.
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa | Asie | Severní Amerika | Afrika | Jižní Amerika | Oceánie |
Ålandy | Afghánistán | Anguilla | Alžírsko | Argentina | Americká Samoa |
Albánie | Arménie | Antigua a Barbuda | Angola | Bolívie | Austrálie |
Andorra | Ázerbájdžán | Aruba | Benin | Brazílie | Cookovy ostrovy |
Belgie | Bahrain | Bahamy | Botswana | Chile | Federativní státy Mikronésie |
Bělorusko | Bangladéš | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Ekvádor | Fidži |
Bosna a Hercegovina | Bhútán | Belize | Burundi | Falklandy (Malvíny) | Francouzská Polynésie |
Bulharsko | Britské indickoocenánské území | Bermudské ostrovy | Čad | Francouzská Guyana | Guam |
Černá Hora | Brunej | Britské Panenské ostrovy | Demokratická republika Kongo | Guyana | Kiribati |
Česká republika | Čína | Curaçao | Džibuti | Kolumbie | Marshallovy ostrovy |
Chorvatsko | Filipíny | Dominika | Egypt | Paraguay | Nauru |
Dánsko | Gruzie | Dominikánská republika | Eritrea | Peru | Niue |
Estonsko | Hongkong | Gaudeloupe | Etiopie | Surinam | Nová Kaledonie |
Faerské ostrovy | Indie | Grenada | Gabon | Uruguay | Nový Zéland |
Finsko | Indonésie | Grónsko | Gambie | Venezuela | ostrov Norfolk |
Francie | Irák | Guatemala | Ghana | Palau | |
Gibraltar | Írán | Haiti | Guinea | Papua-Nová Guinea | |
Guernsey | Izrael | Honduras | Guinea Bissau | Pitcairnovy ostrovy | |
Irsko | Japonsko | Jamajka | Jihoafrická republika | Šalamounovy ostrovy | |
Island | Jemen | Kajmanské ostrovy | Jižní Súdán | Samoa | |
Itálie | Jordánsko | Kanada | Kamerun | Severní Mariany | |
Jan Mayen | Kambodža | Karibské Nizozemsko | Kapverdy | Tokelau | |
Jersey | Katar | Kostarika | Keňa | Tonga | |
Kypr | Kazachstán | Kuba | Komorské ostrovy | Tuvalu | |
Lichtenštejnsko | Kokosové ostrovy | Martinik | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Litva | Korejská lidově demokratická republika | Mexiko | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Lotyšsko | Korejská republika | Montserrat | Libérie | Východní Timor | |
Lucembursko | Kuvajt | Nikaragua | Lybie | Wallis a Futuna | |
Maďarsko | Kyrgyzstán | ostrovy Turks a Caicos | Madagaskar | ||
Malta | Laos | Panama | Malawi | ||
Moldavsko | Libanon | Pannenske Ostrovy | Mali | ||
Monako | Macao | Portoriko | Maroko | ||
Německo | Malajsie | Saint-Pierre a Miquelon | Mauricius | ||
Nizozemsko | Maledivy | Salvador | Mauritánie | ||
Norsko | Mongolsko | Spojené státy americké | Mayotte | ||
ostrov Man | Myanmar (Barma) | Svatá Lucie | Mosambik | ||
Polsko | Nepál | Svatý Bartoloměj | Namibie | ||
Portugalsko | Omán | Svatý Kryštof a Nevis | Niger | ||
Rakousko | Pákistán | Svatý Martin | Nigérie | ||
Řecko | Palestinská území | Svatý Martin | Pobřeží slonoviny | ||
Rumunsko | Saúdská Arábie | Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny | Réunion | ||
Rusko | Singapur | Trinidad a Tobago | Rovníková Guinea | ||
San Marino | Spojené arabské emiráty | Rwanda | |||
Severní Makedonie | Šrí Lanka | Senegal | |||
Slovensko | Sýrie | Seychely | |||
Slovinsko | Tádžikistán | Sierra Leone | |||
Španělsko | Tchaj-wan | Somálsko | |||
Srbsko | Thajsko | Středoafrická republika | |||
Švédsko | Turecko | Súdán | |||
Švýcarsko | Turkmenistán | Svatá Helena | |||
Ukrajina | Uzbekistán | Svatý Tomáš a Princův ostrov | |||
Vatikán | Vánoční ostrov | Svazijsko | |||
Velká Británie | Vietnam | Tanzánie | |||
Togo | |||||
Tunisko | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambie | |||||
Západní Sahara | |||||
Zimbabwe |