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ETICS: Carbon
ETICS: Carbon

    ETICS: Carbon

    Carbon is the first external wall insulation system to offer unique carbon fibre technology. Ensuring maximum resistance to mechanical stress (up to 60 joules) and improved thermal performance, Carbon provides extreme durability and versatility to modern facade design. This slim-line patented system achieves enormous stability and unrivalled impact strength
    • System features: - Insulation depth: 400 mm - Reaction to fire: A2-s1, d0: in accordance with DIN EN 13501 - Colour Range: Wide range of colours including dark and intensive hues. Lightness value ≥ 12 - Insulation material: EPS (up to WLG 032) - Impact strength: Meets the requirement of the European Standard Approval ETAG 004. Standard 20 Joule Impact resistance with 3 mm reinforcement. Up to 70 Joule achievable. -Colour stability: Extremely high through paint with Carbon-Technology - Soiling tendency: Very low through Nanotechnology and Hydrobalance®-Effect. Enhanced protection against algae and fungal growth. - Protection against cracking: Maximum level of crack resistance through patented Carbon-Technology and Siliconharz-Leichtputz-Generation Approvals: - Z-33.41-130 - Z-33.43-132 - Z-33.84-1018 System components: - Adhesive:Capatect Dämmkleber 185 - Insulation: Capatect Dalmatiner-Fassadendämmplatte 155 WLZ032, Capatect Dalmatiner-Fassadendämmplatte 160 WLZ034 - Base coat: Capatect CarbonSpachtel - Reinforcement: Capatect Gewebe 650 - Finishes: Capatect ThermoSan-Fassadenputz NQG
    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotacarbon
    • Skupina výrobkůETICS / EIFS / WDVS
    • Skupina produktůEPS
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2016-10-14
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Hlavní materiálEPS
    • Vedlejší materiálOmítka
    • Navrženo vNěmecko
    • Vyrobeno vNěmecko
    • Kategorie objektu BIMStavební materiály - Izolace
    • Název UNSPSCWallboard
    • Kód UNSPSC30161501

    Dostupnost regionu
