Handle Pen is included in a delicious series of cast iron.
In collaboration with the German design duo Kashkasch and Danish fighting form, Furnipart has produced a cast iron collection consisting of four handles - Ink, Pagoda and Pen. The award-winning German design duo kaschkasch has previously designed for brands such as HAY, Normann Copenhagen and Zeitraum to name but a few. The design duo are known for their timeless projects and Ink and Pen is yet another proof of their ability to create innovative and expressive projects.
Handle Pagoda is designed by Danish Kamper Form. The cast iron material is the basis for the design, it creates a structure which makes the handles both stylish and inviting.
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa |
Ålandy |
Albánie |
Andorra |
Belgie |
Bosna a Hercegovina |
Bulharsko |
Černá Hora |
Česká republika |
Chorvatsko |
Dánsko |
Estonsko |
Faerské ostrovy |
Finsko |
Francie |
Gibraltar |
Guernsey |
Irsko |
Island |
Itálie |
Jan Mayen |
Jersey |
Kypr |
Lichtenštejnsko |
Litva |
Lotyšsko |
Lucembursko |
Maďarsko |
Malta |
Moldavsko |
Monako |
Německo |
Nizozemsko |
Norsko |
ostrov Man |
Polsko |
Portugalsko |
Rakousko |
Řecko |
Rumunsko |
San Marino |
Severní Makedonie |
Slovensko |
Slovinsko |
Španělsko |
Srbsko |
Švédsko |
Švýcarsko |
Ukrajina |
Vatikán |
Velká Británie |