Base - Hook rail with shelf in matt black is the perfect solution to meet today's bathroom needs while offering a sleek design. We have combined four functional hooks for elegant hanging with a practical shelf that allows you to store jewelry, decorate with a beautiful vase, or light a scented candle to create the right atmosphere.
The combination of hooks and shelf makes Beslag Design's hook rail a space-saving and versatile solution for the bathroom. With its minimalist and modern design, it fits perfectly into various bathroom styles, creating a harmonious order.
The hook rail shelf has a self-adhesive back, making installation easy without the need to make unnecessary holes.
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa |
Ålandy |
Albánie |
Andorra |
Belgie |
Bosna a Hercegovina |
Bulharsko |
Černá Hora |
Česká republika |
Chorvatsko |
Dánsko |
Estonsko |
Faerské ostrovy |
Finsko |
Francie |
Gibraltar |
Guernsey |
Irsko |
Island |
Itálie |
Jan Mayen |
Jersey |
Kypr |
Lichtenštejnsko |
Litva |
Lotyšsko |
Lucembursko |
Maďarsko |
Malta |
Moldavsko |
Monako |
Německo |
Nizozemsko |
Norsko |
ostrov Man |
Polsko |
Portugalsko |
Rakousko |
Řecko |
Rumunsko |
San Marino |
Severní Makedonie |
Slovensko |
Slovinsko |
Španělsko |
Srbsko |
Švédsko |
Švýcarsko |
Ukrajina |
Vatikán |
Velká Británie |