Recycled rubber tile flooring for commercial spaces
Altro Ollero is a versatile, durable and eco-friendly rubber flooring solution designed to provide the look of more traditional commercial surfaces such as carpet, stone and even cork. Available in a range of colors with a mixture of solid, speckled, neutral and vibrant tones, these tiles are guaranteed not to curl, harden or crack over time. Their integrated impact and sound absorption properties can help reduce fatigue and excess noise in high traffic areas.
With no need for additional finishes or wax, Altro Ollero is easy to clean and maintain without the use of harsh chemicals, making it a cost efficient option for retail, education and recreational areas. These precision water-jet cut tiles are easy to install and come in a square-edge glue-down format or an adhesive-free interlocking format with four different thickness options.
Dostupnost regionu
Severní Amerika |
Anguilla |
Antigua a Barbuda |
Aruba |
Bahamy |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermudské ostrovy |
Britské Panenské ostrovy |
Curaçao |
Dominika |
Dominikánská republika |
Gaudeloupe |
Grenada |
Grónsko |
Guatemala |
Haiti |
Honduras |
Jamajka |
Kajmanské ostrovy |
Kanada |
Karibské Nizozemsko |
Kostarika |
Kuba |
Martinik |
Mexiko |
Montserrat |
Nikaragua |
ostrovy Turks a Caicos |
Panama |
Pannenske Ostrovy |
Portoriko |
Saint-Pierre a Miquelon |
Salvador |
Spojené státy americké |
Svatá Lucie |
Svatý Bartoloměj |
Svatý Kryštof a Nevis |
Svatý Martin |
Svatý Martin |
Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny |
Trinidad a Tobago |